

gloomy june - Sound In The Signals Interview

📸 Sarah Arnold

I recently had the opportunity to interview gloomy june. We discussed an early interest in music, their new song “back from the dead”, upcoming music, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

For sure, thanks for having me!

Can you tell me more about how you initially became interested in music and how you started writing songs?

I started writing songs when I was really young like 10 or 11, writing my own lyrics over my favorite songs at the time, which were whatever my siblings were listening to. I especially remember writing lyrics over a Verve Pipe song, I just looked it up it was the title track off of Villians. I remember typing the lyrics in "sand font" on my dad's computer, and saving them in a folder called "Band". I remember sing-speaking my own verses over "Don't Push" by Sublime and all the lyrics were about my friends who were around me at the moment.

You recently released a new song, “back from the dead”. What do you hope listeners take away from it? What did you take away from the process of creating it? 

I hope listeners will sing along and bang their heads a little while driving, which is what I did the first week it came out. A couple things I took away from creating it are to not disregard the in-between notes in a song, like in the lines "Chaos in a pair of docs (yeah) / you may be a paradox," I was just throwing away that little "yeah" and had to learn to sing it like it wasn't just a connector to the next line. I also learned that you can use the same lyrics for two different verses haha. 

I'd written myself into a corner with the cadence of that first verse and had trouble topping it, so in the end we decided to do the same lyrics for both. I think my favorite part to write in a song is the bridge (middle eight), mostly because it's always climactic and you never get to hear that part in the rest of the song, so it was counterintuitive to say the same thing twice outside the chorus. To be fair, in some pop songs the middle eight is just the chorus quieter or one word repeated, and that's totally valid as well.

You released a video for the song as well. What was your experience like when filming that video? What came easiest in the process of creating it and what took more time?

We shot the video in one day, and I'd say none of it really came easy, except maybe miming the performance. We filmed the performance in our practice space, and setting up all that white backdrop and cleaning up the space was intense, and then lipsyncing at the cemetery while the song was playing at double-speed was basically impossible, even when I got to lay down to lipsync I think I was on a hill so I could feel the blood rushing to my head a little while I was singing. I still loved every minute of filming and hanging out with the band and filmographer Kevin Burleigh. I guess nothing good comes easy.

There is some talk that you may release a new song at an upcoming show in February. What can fans expect from that song and what can you tell us about it so far? 

We'll be announcing the song soon! There's going to be a surprise about the release, so keep a look out! The song we're putting out is called Picking Scabs and it has a very special meaning for me.

Can fans expect more new music in 2025? If so, what can you tell us so far?

We're working hard on a timeline, but you can definitely expect some more music in June.

Thanks for answering the questions. Is there anything else that you want to add?

Thanks so much again for having me. Nothing to add, just free Palestine.

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