

Savings - ‘How Do You Feel?’ (EP Track By Track)

Savings recently released their new EP ‘How Do You Feel?’. Speaking on the new tracks, Sam Wilmot shares: "From an arraying amount of new sounds for this band to wildly out of the box melodies for us. This project is more “Savings” than anything we’ve released prior”. Check out the video for the title track and read more of what they have to say about each song in the track by track below. 

The Summer:

Oddly enough this track was written in the fall/winter of ’23. We were at Dawson’s house for our Thursday night writing session and had spit out so many ideas before this one. About an hour before we were getting ready to leave we wrote the chorus for this track. Once we eventually took it into studio it really formed into one of the most challenging ones for us, but also one of our favorites off the record. This song was originally a heartbreak record, but we wanted to write it in a way that felt refreshing in a way that the listener could take it into their own perspective/be up for their own interpretation. The Summer is an ode to a vice that you no longer feed. Whether that be a relationship, a drug, any sort of habit. It’s an analogy on a summer fling, or a past sentiment that no longer weighs you down, that you saw the light at the end of the tunnel and kept on moving.


How Do You Feel?:

“How Do You Feel?”, was written in the winter of ’23 in preparation for our trip to New York City to work with Billy Mannino on our upcoming project. Being the first single we’ll release for it, we wanted to choose one that stood out to us. HDYF? is an anthem for today's youth. We all constantly grew up/are growing up and are having so many conversations about mental health and the importance of it in today's world. This being said, a lot of these conversations are provided with pushback from the older generations who don’t quite fall in line with said agenda. The simple question of “How do you feel?” is so pivotal in our day-to-day lives. All being said, this song was a reminder for all of us. To take care of yourself, your friends, and your loved ones.


Cry With You:

Cry With You is insanely special to us, but also feels a bit risky. Up until this point we’ve been a “scene band” so to speak; and we very much still are and are grateful to be a part of our scene. All being said, we wrote this song in the fall of ’23. We wanted to challenge ourselves, try something new and step out of our comfort zone. We all love indie pop music and listen to it pretty frequently and wanted to show that in our own music because it felt true to us. The song itself is about the reminiscing thoughts you have of a past relationship that may not have ended like a romantic comedy; but you still have so much love and respect for said person. That no matter what the outcome may be you’re still there for them, to listen, talk, and cry with need be.


To Be Honest:

To Be Honest is about the longing feeling after a relationship ends. The processing period so to speak. Where you’re not really sure what could or couldn’t happen in the future, but you’re willing to hold out for whatever said future holds. We wrote this song in the studio and by far it was the most challenging for us. This was another track where we wanted to step outside of the box we’ve created for ourselves and influence more of our day-to-day influences. Pulling from a heavy “Covet” by Basement type chorus to the ever-changing more dynamic melodies found in the hip-hop we listen to.



I (Sam) was extremely excited about this track. Not just because we’re super proud of it, but because it holds an insane amount of emotion and sentiment in it. This song is a part 2, if you will, for our track “Make Believe”. In Winter of ’22 I had lost my brother in an accident; he dealt with addiction his whole life. This song is about me processing his death, the time leading up to it, how imminent it felt and how hopeless it all felt near the end. I wrote these lyrics for those who might be able to relate (and I hope you don’t), to help them and myself continue to process and move through the unfortunate ocean that is grief.

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