

Addicus - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview Addicus. We discussed how they started the band, writing and recording their new album, artwork and physical merch, collaborating with Leave It At That Records, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Of course! We are super excited about it. 

Can you tell me how you started the band for those who may be unfamiliar with it? How did you initially become interested in music?

We all have been interested in music since a young age. We had never been in a band before but the opportunity to form a band together sorta just fell into our lap. We all had a similar indie and emo influence and were stoked on some of the newer local bands like The Casper Fight Scene and Liquid Mike and bonded over that. 

You released your debut album at the end of July. Have you been pleased with the response it’s received so far? How does it feel to have it out? 

We are beyond pleased with how well it’s been received! We’ve seen a lot of new people listening to our music and been feeling a little buzz that’s different from our past releases. It feels great to have it out there for everyone to hear. It feels good to show our growth as well. 

Can you tell us about the writing and recording process? 

Some songs were started by Alexis sitting down with an acoustic guitar and writing lyrics. While others were started by Josh making demos with an electric guitar and sometimes programmed drums as well. A song usually takes full form once all the working pieces are fleshed out in a jam together. We recorded at home with our drummer Josh doing the engineering, mixing, and mastering as well. Recording was really casual since we were doing it at home. All the deadlines were in our control and we basically just wanted to see how fast we could make a good sounding DIY record without stressing ourselves out haha. We were stoked to be working with some new guitar pedals and mics plus we had just bought a Korg minilogue synth which was very cool.

I really like the song “Brb, Getting More Highlander Grogg”. Can you tell me about writing that song specifically? 

Alexis wrote that one when she was feeling really low on motivation and was trying to drink coffee to get herself going, but only ended up feeling jittery. That frustration turned into a song. Highlander Grogg is our favorite coffee so we thought it would be a fun reference. Now we drink V8 energy and life is better. 

The album artwork somewhat reminds of Joyce Manor’s ‘Cody’. Where did you get the image from and what made you want to use it for the album artwork?

The cover art is of our dog Addicus (who we named the band after). We had a collection of photos of him from before our band even started that always had an iconic feel to it. Once we started our band and named it after him, the photo seemed like an obvious option for a self-titled project since it has a very comforting and happy vibe to it that we try to portray through our music. 

You recently announced that you’ve teamed up with Leave It At That Records for a cassette and zine release. How did you end up working with them?

We’ve known about LIAT from the start and they’ve worked with bands we’ve gotten close with. Small Comforts told us to reach out to them when we did our last EP, but we were definitely interested for a bit. They offer such a cool opportunity for a physical release!

Leave It At That has worked with so many great bands. What’s your personal favorite release they’ve done so far? 

We can’t just pick one! Top three would probably be The Casper Fight Scene, Tournament, and Small Comforts… but we love all of the LIAT releases. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Thank you for reaching out to us! We love talking about music and our journey so far! We’re so grateful to be welcomed into the community and are very happy to be making songs people can relate to. 

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