

Autoignition - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview Autoignition. We discussed how they started the band, their new album ‘This Is Moving Forward’, releasing it on vinyl, upcoming tour dates, when they will be recording new music, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Of course! Thanks for asking us to do this!

Can you tell me how you started the band for those who may be unfamiliar with it? How did you initially become interested in music?

I basically taught myself how to play guitar to start the band. I played drums in a punk band before this when I was super young, but I was only around for the last little bit that band was active and wasn’t really a part of the larger scene. I did a few other things but none of them really captured the sound I wanted, so I started writing a bunch and the best of it became the demo, and from there I did our first EP which was definitely a big step up. From there more people became interested in playing the songs live so I formed a band and we’re grinding away ever since.

Your debut album ‘This Is Moving Forward’ came out this year. Have you been pleased with the response it’s received so far? What are your thoughts now that it’s out? 

It’s been amazing! We thought the record was pretty cool before it was out, but nothing could have prepared for the response we’ve got from it. When we played “Imaginary Friends” for the first time after we released it as a single, it was the first time we had crowdsurfing and pile ons and people grabbing the mic. After that, we were super pumped to put it out and it’s just even better since. A lot of people and bands we look up to are really digging it and the local scene has shown a lot of love, so it all very affirming and exciting. We’ve gotten a lot of cool opportunities on the back of the record so it’s super cool. 

I really like the song “Thirty Days”. Can you tell me about writing that song specifically? 

Like many of the songs on the record, it was written in a transitional time in my life. To me, the lyrics reflect a regretful feeling of seeing how your actions have affected someone in real time, and feeling like there’s no going back. This record was written and recorded for quite some time before it was released though, so it’s interesting to look back on everything and how life has changed since and how I’ve grown. The song has seen an uptick in streams recently due to it being put on some club playlist in Finland which is cool I guess. Definitely a favorite to play live and I see it staying in the set for a while to come.

You’re releasing the album on vinyl with Punkstyria. How did you end up working with them?

Noah Leonhardt hit us up a few months ago and asked to put it out, and to be honest it all seemed too good to be true. But we saw worked with some cool bands like wild red and people we knew personally, so we were super down. Everything Noah has done for us so far is super cool and exciting, and hopefully it’s a sign of a great relationship for the future. The preorder for the vinyl and merch is up until 8/1 so don’t sleep on it!!

They’re releasing an alt cover for the vinyl release. Color and font wise it reminds me of blink-182’s ‘Enema Of The State’ album. Was there any inspiration from that? Who designed the alt cover?

That was Noah’s idea. It’s actually a rip on an old Jimmy Eat World shirt from the early 2000s and I think it looks awesome. Chris Ventura does all the design work for Punkstryia and he knocked it out of the park. We’re super pumped on how everything has turned out so far.

You’re getting ready to head out on tour. What can fans expect from your live show? What will the set list be like?

We’re supporting Spaced on the east coast leg of their summer tour, and we couldn’t be more excited. They’ve supported us since day one, so there’s not a better group of people to go out on our first tour with. We’re definitely trying to bring a lot of energy and excitement to the gigs, but also offer a nice change of pace since all the gigs are with hardcore bands which is sick. We’ll be playing most of the record front to back with maybe a few old tracks peppered in here and there, we just want to promote what we have out and show the world who we are. 

7/27 New York, NY @ Generation Records 
7/27 Plainfield, CT @ Moosup American Legion
7/28 Albany, NY @ Albany Indoor Rock Gym
7/29 Jersey City, NJ @ Black Pearl Jersey City
7/30 Baltimore, MD @ Holy Frijoles
7/31 Richmond, VA @ Cobra Cabana
8/1 Greenville, SC @ Magnetic South Brewery 

You have plans to record new music in September. What can you tell me about that so far? 

We’re going back in with Jay Zubricky at GCR Audio to record two new tracks. One is definitely our most aggressive song we’ve written so far, very fast and moshy. The second track is a vibe we haven’t really had in a song so far, it’s kind of like The Police or something. We’re sitting on more than an LPs worth of material at the moment so it was tough to narrow it down. Everything we have in the tank is exactly what I envisioned for this band when I started writing it in high school. All very straightforward punk songs, but I think other influences of hardcore, new wave, shoegaze and college rock shine through a lot.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add? 

Dope scene

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