

Sapona - Sound In The Signals Interview

📸 James

I recently had the opportunity to interview Sapona. We discussed the writing and recording process for new EP, ‘Is This Your Movie Moment?’, releasing cassettes with Oliver Glenn Records, upcoming plans, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Of course and thank you!

You recently released your new EP ‘Is This Your Movie Moment?’ What was the recording process like for it?

The process was pretty hectic per se; we spent a couple years recording it and feeling finished then restarting the whole thing over again until we finally sat down and listened over to the final changes and said "this is it." 

I really like the song “Same Words Rephrased Until Silence Takes Their Place”. Can you tell me about writing that song specifically?

Same words I think is the oldest song next to lack of pigment. At the time we were trying to lean into a more "harder" aspect than our previous scrap material that was more emo and toned down. Lyric wise the song is more or less about a friendship/relationship fading into a stand still. 

The EP title ‘Is This Your Movie Moment?’ is pretty interesting. How did you decide on that title and why did you decide it fits the EP?

"Is this your movie moment?" kind of came from making fun of myself for saying movie lines and such in times of grievance. Like saying that From Dusk till Dawn line whenever someone passes from something other than natural occurrences. A lot of the record deals with death and loss so I felt like it was fitting as I had that conversation with myself a lot. 

Have you been pleased with the response the EP has received so far? How does it feel to have it out now? 

We're extremely happy with the response! We really were just concerned with finally finishing it and the fact a lot of people love the record is far beyond appreciated. A lot of huge thank yous to everyone who's listened to and shared it amongst ’cause it means the world to us. Super excited to finally have it out! 

You worked with Oliver Glenn Records on the cassettes for the EP. How did you end up working with them?

We met Oliver Glenn through Instagram. They hit us up for a show when middling and pickpocket came into town (two really great bands from Ohio) and we just stayed in contact. We did another show they put together in Lansing and I think that's when we started talking about doing a cassette run once we got the record complete. They're super great people and we appreciate the hell out of them!

The cassette included stickers and bookmarks with every order, which is neat. Who came up with the idea to include a bookmark?

The bookmarks came into play ’cause we all read a lot and use envelopes, receipts, etc. as bookmarks so when it came to talking about what to throw in the cassettes it hit we could probably make bookmarks. Seemed easy enough, can make them small enough to fit in the case and we can make loads of them so I made a simple design and got to printing them.

What’s coming up next for the band?

At the moment our game plan is to get outta town for the first time. We're setting up something on the east coast for late summer and working on a project with another great Michigan band that we'll hopefully have out before we set sail. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Thank you for being interested in the band! This was really cool. I've got nothing but another thank you!

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