

Journal - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview Journal. We discussed their recent name and lineup change, new music, and more. Check it out below.

First, thanks for the interview.

No problem! We love a good interview from time to time.

You recently announced a name change to Journal from Cenöbite. Why did you decide to change the name?

The name change stemmed from us wanting to kind of restart the band. We felt really tied down, especially by our first record, and trying to do a screamo band while having that first record under the same name kind of hindered us and we felt like a name change kind of signified a good reset. 

Will the line-up remain the same or do you have some new members?

The line-up is almost the same, we are moving on without our original beloved bass player, Brady, and our singer Love is picking up bass for Journal. We’re all adults and we don’t all have the same time or schedules, so the parting was for the best and Brady is starting up doing some badass tapes and runs for hardcore bands which is sick.

Can you tell us more about the significance of the name Journal?

Honestly, just thought it sounded cool. Jack had the idea a while back and planned on using it for maybe a midwest-y math-y project but, I think it fits us and sounds pretty badass. 

Stylistically, will the new music head in a different direction or will it be in a similar style to the Cenöbite music?

The new stuff is definitely way heavier, a lot more inspired by hardcore and the heavier emo from the earlier waves. We’re also all taking inspiration from black metal and trying to do a blackened screamo style sound for some songs. Basically just whatever we think sounds hard we’re trying to do. 

You announced that you have some new music coming out soon. What can you tell me about it so far? 

We had our split with seahorse choke come out recently, which actually had our last songs recorded with Brady on it. Another song just came out on a benefit compilation for Palestine through BSDJ (huge shoutout!). One more song is in the process of being released on another compilation, and after that we plan on doing an EP early in the year with a few more new songs!

What’s been your favorite part about writing these new songs?

The best part about writing the new songs is just throwing in fun ideas and making it all work, we’re working on lots of cool time changes in songs, different breaks and other things that we’ve never done before. We’re all fueling each other to do new crazier things and it’s paying off pretty well!

Do you have a new song that you’re really excited to play live? Why? 

One of the most fun songs to play together is our new track, After Years of Lifting With My Back. We all have different vocal parts and it’s really energetic and heavy. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

Thanks! We’ve got a lot of things planned for this year, hitting Cali a few times and some huge announcements that should be pretty fun and make for really killer shows. 

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