

Pizza Academy - Sound In The Signals Interview


I recently had the opportunity to interview Riley of Pizza Academy. We discussed how they formed the band, the writing and recording process for the new EP, artwork, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Thank you for interviewing us!

Can you tell me how you started the band for those who may be unfamiliar with it? How did you become interested in music?

I'd say the band really started around our sophomore year of high school. I (Riley) have always considered the music I listen to to be a fundamental part of who I am, so after learning how to play my favorite songs on guitar I naturally tried to write my own. I think I had been playing guitar for a year or two at that point and wanted someone to write bass for what was essentially a solo project. One of my best friends Shane thankfully played bass and so in asking for his help we kinda just became a band.

What made you decide on the name Pizza Academy?

Pizza Academy is the name of a real pizza restaurant in my hometown of Exeter, NH! I don't think they know about us yet. Credit where credit is due, the name suggestion came from a friend in high school who played drums with us for just a week or two. Thank you, Johnny!

You released your new EP “Sorry, We Don’t Do Delivery” in December. How long did you work on it? What were some of your favorite moments from recording it?

"Sorry, We Don't Do Delivery'' has been workshopped for so long it's not even funny. It sort of formed as I learned how to write music, so I would write a song, put it on the EP, write a better song, and then remove the old one. I think the oldest song that made it to the final version is "I Existed and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt" which I wrote around 2018. So yeah, it was a bit old by the time the EP actually got released. 

Things really got moving around 2020-2021 when we reached out to another friend of ours who played drums in another local band and asked if he wanted to write and record with us. Easily my favorite moments of the entire process were meeting every week and getting to play in-person with a full band for the first time. After that I went to college and sat on the recordings for far too long until I got the motivation to finish recording synth and send it off to be mixed and mastered, bringing us all the way to 2023. Time really flies when you procrastinate.

The opening song “MacGyver? (I Hardly Know Her!)” is a great opener. Can you tell me about writing that song? Did you always know it was going to be the first song featured on the EP?

"MacGyver? (I Hardly Know Her!)" is easily the newest song on the EP, which is probably why I think it's the strongest. Before that song I had mostly written lyrics about being sad and other things directly relating to my teenage state of mind. One of my biggest fears is of death and that fear often makes its way into my lyrics. However, instead of stating those kinds of feelings bluntly like I had before, I wrapped them in a narrative about using abhorrent amounts of medical technology and becoming a great-great-grandparent. I found it so freeing to break free from the confines of writing songs directly from my point of view. I don't think there was too much thought into putting MacGyver first on the EP; it was the one I was most proud of and so I wanted it to go first.

The artwork for the EP is interesting. Where did that image come from?

The image is one I took on a street near my house of Shane's brother in a ghost costume holding a pizza box (from Pizza Academy!). I always loved the novelty of real life locations in emo album covers; Where is the American Football house? Where is the Just Got Back gas station? Where is the Summer Death field? Maybe someday someone will post on reddit asking, "Where is the Sorry, We Don't Do Delivery street?" and no one will know because who the hell knows about Exeter, New Hampshire?

Your band has continued to build buzz since the release of the EP. Have you been pleased with the response for it so far? How does it feel now that it’s out? 

I have been overjoyed at the response! I absolutely love all the lovely comments people leave about the EP, they really have made my days better since the release. It's nice to have something so personal to you for years be received well by others, and I would have been ecstatic even if just one person liked it. I'm glad it's finally out of my mind though and I can begin focusing fully on new music. 

You released cassettes for your previous EP. Do you have any plans to release cassettes or vinyl for the new EP?

I would love to make physical versions! Cassettes are much more doable as it's something that I can do myself, while vinyl probably won't happen for a long time. I'm currently super busy with college, but if I can find the time (and money) I will definitely be making cassettes for the EP.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add?

I'll end off with this, if you really like Pizza Academy so far, I hope you also like change! I don't plan on having future releases sound quite like this EP, and as I further develop all of my music related skills, the sound of our music will develop too! In terms of new music, we've got a split in the works that will likely be out this summer. Our first full length album is also under construction, so keep your eye out for "So This Is How It Ends", and pray that the third number of its release year is a 2. Thank you to everyone who has listened and sent kind words our way, it really means a lot and makes me super excited for the future of this band! - Riley, Delivery Expert

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