

New Aesthetic - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the opportunity to interview New Aesthetic. We discussed how they became interested in music and started their band, writing and recording their upcoming song “Screaming Out”, the current state of pop/punk, and more. Check it out below. 

First, thanks for the interview.

Thank you for caring enough to interview us!  

Can you tell me how you started the band for those who may be unfamiliar with it? How did you become interested in music?

It’s a bit of a long story so bear with us. Me (Dylan) and our drummer Matthew met at a school of rock camp when I was 12 and he was 10. Instead of eating during our lunch, we would jam songs, and we quickly became good friends after we found out that we both loved the band State Champs. Me and Matthew always wanted to start a band, but we could never find anybody our age who was into the same music and could play as well as us. 

However, in 2022 when Knuckle Puck went on tour, my friend Nick Casasanto invited me to play guitar with them on stage at their San Diego show. Our now guitarist and singer Gabe happened to be in the crowd for that show and after he saw me play he DM’d me on Instagram asking to jam. I looked through his account and quickly saw that he was into all the same bands as us (blink-182, The Story So Far, Neck Deep, Hot Mulligan, etc..) and I knew we had to get together. 

The first time all three of us were in a room together we hit it off almost immediately, and we wrote instrumentals for two of the songs that would end up on the EP and the rest is history. Somewhere along the way we picked up Matt our bassist who played in another band called No Deal with Gabe before he joined New Aesthetic. Not only was Matt a solid bassist, but he was funny as hell and he had a tattoo sleeve on his arm which I thought was sick. 

As for what got us into music I would credit it to all of our parents who showed us good music, and took us to shows when we were young as well as the bands, that we discovered on our own. Collectively, we’ve all spent countless hours, watching our favorite bands tour documentaries and live performances which heavily influenced us all. 

You recently announced your new song “Screaming Out”. Can you tell me about writing and recording it? 

Screaming Out started as an instrumental that our insanely talented drummer Matthew wrote pretty completely on his own much like Dave Grohl or Caleb Shomo. The song itself was written about watching relationships whether it’s romantic or platonic fall apart in front of you at the fault of the other person despite being proactive in trying to fix it. We recorded at Riff Audio in Burbank, with Raul Cuellar (State Champs, Hunny, NOFX) who made this track sound insane. Raul is a genius. He knows how to get the best takes out of everybody in the band while simultaneously being the funniest most down to earth dude. 

Do you have a favorite lyrical or musical moment from the song? Why? 

We’re super proud of the chorus of this song for sure. Just everything about it the melody, the instrumental, and the lyrics makes it the best chorus we’ve written.  

Is the song part of a new EP or album or is it more of a standalone single?

It’s a standalone single. Again we’re really proud of this song and we really wanna give it the attention that it deserves while leaving people hungry for more from us that way the next time around the buzz for another New Aesthetic song is bigger.

In the announcement you made reference to people saying “pop punk is dead” but you feel like the golden age is now. What drew you to pop/punk and what makes you think that now is the golden era? 

Albums like The Finer Things , Copacetic , and Under Soil And Dirt were really pivotal for us at a young age. As far as what makes now the golden age.. we’re releasing music haha. All jokes aside, I feel like pop punk is more accessible than it ever was. We’re starting to see a lot of younger people getting into this genre of music again and a lot of new bands forming because of it. Additionally, the support for our band back home these last couple months has been insane.

Who are some of your favorite current pop/punk artists? 

There’s a million I could list off but off the top of my head KOYO, Stateside, InbalanceCA, No Pressure, and NORMY are all releasing some of our favorite pop punk songs we’ve ever heard.

You released your EP ‘Run For Cover’ last year. I think it’s great. Were you pleased with the response it received? What are your thoughts about it now that it is out? 

We’re super happy with the response that it received. It’s really cool to play shows now back home and see people singing every song off the EP and not just singles. Now that it’s out we’re just really excited to put more music out there for people to see how much we’ve evolved and grown as musicians since then. 

You worked with Forever Ending Records and they released cassettes for the EP. Is there any chance that we’ll see some of those online or potentially a vinyl pressing?

Huge shoutout to Nate at Forever Ending Records. We have no plans to release any more cassettes right now. We wanted to make something special for people who came to our first couple shows to pick up. As for vinyl, we have plans for something else in the future… but if there was enough demand, we would be down to press the EP. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else that you would like to add? 

Thank you again for interviewing us! Hope you love the new single. 

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