

Star Funeral - “Solitary” (Video Premiere)

Marissa Cacioppo
Sound In The Signals is excited to premiere the new video for Star Funeral’s song  “Solitary”, which comes from new album In the Dark

Nikki Esposito tells us ““Solitary” is about a relationship that I had which I thought was true love, but it was extremely toxic and I was too blind to see it. I started hanging out with a new group of friends, and the person I dated was envious of me hanging out with these new friends. That person wanted to be in my place in that circle of friends, making me feel guilty that I took that opportunity from them. I made a lot of attempts to comfort this person throughout our relationship and it became difficult for them to accept where I was, and that they weren't in my position. They couldn’t meet me in the middle to let me continue to pursue creative outlets with these friends. 

At the head of that situation, I had double jaw surgery, and it was hard for me to cope with existing in my own body, feeling complete rejection towards myself and body dysmorphia taking over my brain. I was spread too thin to help aid someone's insecurities while I was falling apart mentally in my own personal battle with myself. Solitary means “existing alone” and being “lonely”. I ended the relationship because I'd rather be lonely than to be with a person who makes me feel guilty for existing and guilt from pursuing creative outlets that give me joy”.  Check out the new video below. 

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