Nine Inch Nails - Todd Rundgren's "Deaf Ears" Mix
Nine Inch Nails shared their mix of Todd Rundgren's "Deaf Ears", Trent and Atticus's collaboration with Todd Rundgren. Their message on the song "Todd Rundgren is a hero of mine. His records (solo and Utopia!), his songwriting, his production and his musicianship… all played a huge role shaping me into who I am. I still listen to (and study) A Wizard, A True Star and Something / Anything regularly, and I suggest you do, too. Atticus and I sent Todd a wealth of ideas for his new record. He worked on this track and released the “proper” version here: We then took what he did and moved it forward (or backward, depending on your perspective) into this.
Enjoy- TR (not Todd Rundgren, the other TR)" Listen below.
Enjoy- TR (not Todd Rundgren, the other TR)" Listen below.
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