Save Ferris - 'Checkered Past' (EP Review)
'Checkered Past' is a different beast when compared to the previous material from the band. It feels more like Powell's show, as it probably should, but that's not to say the new members don't bring a solid set of skills and songs. They sound well accomplished and provide Powell a really good backdrop. The five songs blaze through in nice fashion and they feel breezy and fun. It has the things people really liked from the third wave of ska: horns, fast guitars, dub, and reggae influences. The horn work on the EP is performed nicely. I really liked it on the song "Golden Silence". I think Powell showcases some great vocal work. She has some really interesting funny, snarky, and at times poignant lyrics. Her performance on the EP is great. It sounds like she went into recording this giving it her all. "Do I Even Like You?" is a standout on the EP and a song I think fans could connect to that might become a new show favorite.
Yeah, this EP is seen by many as controversial due to the way it came about. At the same time if you're itching for some ska and want to hear one of the better singers from that ska wave give an extremely solid performance then this EP should get the job done. Powell wasn't the only reason Save Ferris was successful in the 90s, but she played a big part. I think her new version of Save Ferris is a good continuation of the band's sound and helps bring her and the band into this new time period in nice fashion. Even if this isn't a full fledged reunion but more of a new project I think this EP is well done and I'm liking it quite a bit.
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