Sound In The Signals - Best EPs Of 2016
*1-5 are discussed and the remaining 6-25 are just listed, although some have been reviewed throughout the year. Click those to read their reviews.
02. Masked Intruder - Love and Other Crimes
By this time you've probably heard of the poppy punk masked bandits known as Masked Intruder. This EP continues the trend of fantastic music from them. The songs almost seem a little more sugary and accessible on this EP. I think the production was a great choice. It's not much different, but it seems like they stepped it up a little. Just enough to put some great polish and bring out the qualities of these songs in a nice way. I'm glad these guys are continuing to make music because the schtick isn't getting old for me.
03. Third Eye Blind - We Are Drugs
Third Eye Blind's last album was great and it was really nice to only have to wait one year for this follow-up EP, which features Jenkins and co. being slightly more experimental on a couple songs, but more or less delivering what I've always enjoyed about Third Eye Blind. There are some really great sing-a-longs and really frank, smart, and intelligent lyrics on this EP.
04. Vic Mensa - There's A lot Going On
Vic Mensa really came to play with this EP. It really showcases a different side of him than had been shown from his mixtape and his work with Kids These Days. It's a little tougher and rawer feeling. His flow over the beats just sounds hungry and on point. I feel like with this direction and how good these songs are Vic Mensa delivered a project that had me returning to it time and time again.
05. The Ataris - October in This Railroad Earth
We didn't get the long awaited album from The Ataris this year, but Roe and company did deliver a solid EP. The EP was recorded over just a few days. It was really nice to hear some of the energy captured in these songs. It sounds like they would make for great live show settings. I've been a fan of The Ataris for a really long time and it was nice to hear a new EP full of really good songs.
06. 24hrs - 12:AM
07. Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion Side B
08. Nine Inch Nails - Not the Actual Events
09. Bright Green-The Highs Are Getting Lower
10. Promise of Redemption - Where You Ought To Be
11. The Starting Line - Anyways
12. Sorority Noise - It Kindly Stopped For Me
13. UZ- Magellan
14. Lil Aaron - Gloing Pains
15. Myrkur - Mausoleum
16. Slushii - Brain Freeze
17. Big Makk - The Makk Tape
18. Young L - The Boo Ghost
19. Among Legends - Charles St.
20. Fader - You're Guilty For Killing Me
21. The Chainsmokers - Collage EP
22. Speak The Truth… Even If Your Voice Shakes - Speak The Truth… Even If Your Voice Shakes
23. Nessly - Solo Boy Band
24. IGLOOGHOST - Little Grids
25. Fenix TX - Creepy
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