

Farewell, My Love - Sound In The Signals Interview

Arizona rockers Farewell, My Love have been together for five years and have released three EPs and two albums. They recently released their latest album, Above It All. (Read our review.) Guitarist Robby Creasey was kind enough to tell us how visual theatricality is important to the band, why they love giving back to their fans, and what fans can expect in the near future.

Farewell, My Love definitely have a loyal, growing fan base. The band has released three EPs, two albums, and has gone on countless tours. Can you tell us about your background and music for those who may be unfamiliar?

Robby Creasey: The band was started by Chad and I in 2011 with the mutual idea of combining post hardcore music with visual theatricality. We're both big fans of orchestration and drama and anything that really brings the music to life. I'm lucky that I met him because in a music scene filled with breakdowns and basketball shorts, it was difficult finding someone that had a similar vision. Tim Burton's work was always a big influence on us in the beginning as well so bringing that out in our music was important to us.

Your new album, Above It All came out on July 22nd. Tell us about the writing and recording process. How was this experience different from your past releases?

Creasey: This album is definitely our most proud and most personal work we've created. The writing was a very collective effort by the band so there are a wide variety of influences in the music. We worked with a local Arizona producer named Dan Parker and he really helped bring out the best in these songs. We are very particular about the tone and sound being as organic as possible so we involved some very talented musicians including a cellist, a trumpet player, and others to create the full piece that Above It All is.

You did some really cool promotions with the release including handwritten lyrics. You also autographed pre-orders and one lucky fan who pre-ordered the album won the autographed megaphone from the "Crazy" video. What inspired these promotions and what does giving back to your fans mean to you?

Creasey: It's always been very important for us to give back to the fans as much as possible. To us, they're family. They're the ones that give us the opportunity to live our dreams and do what we do. We know how much personalized memorabilia can mean so it's only fair to share pieces of the band with the people that give us everything.

The band has said, "Above It All is absolutely the best representation of the band we've written to date. We think that anyone who hears this record will literally be able to hear the blood, sweat, tears, time, & dedication that was put into it. We feel like it's going to be one of the most diverse albums this scene has heard in the past ten years. It's a testament to our perseverance despite everything we've been through as people". Tell us a little about the journey that led you to Above It All.

Creasey: In the past five years this band has been through Hell and back in a lot of ways. We've been through the wringer, payed a lot of dues, and dealt with the stresses of building something out of nothing. We are finally at a point in our career where we all feel like we're on the correct path and are completely happy with the direction we're taking the band in. We are on our own record label and have complete control over every aspect of what we do.

When talking about single "Burn Out The Night" you've said "...it's also a personal reminder that no matter how many temptations there may be out there to change you into something you're not comfortable being, to always stay true to yourself & what you believe is right. Life is too short to fake who you are in order to fit in...". This is a great message. How does the band stay true to this message and how can your fans use this advice?

Creasey: We've come to the realization over the years that trying to be something or somebody else may be easier for the time being, but in the end you're never happy unless you're truly yourself and stand behind what you love and believe in. Everyone is the perfect them, our flaws make us who we are. Embrace it because in the end your unique originality is what defines you.

I've read that each member of the band thinks "music has been their greatest escape and most monumental illumination. With this motive in mind, they've all come together with the intention to create a sound that will affect others the way that their greatest inspirations & mentors have affected them throughout their lives". Who are some of those inspirations? How important is music to your daily life and how can it offer escape and illumination?

Creasey: For me personally, Metallica is the band that inspired me to start playing guitar. I heard the riffs from their Black Album and never looked back. Having music in the world is very important because it's basically a soundtrack for our emotions and every day life. Regardless of what we're feeling, we always find something within music to accentuate each experience.

Above It All has been out for about a month and fans are still excited. What else is coming up for the band? How can fans keep up with everything?

Creasey: We have a lot in the works actually! We're working on new music videos, some US and internationally tours, and even new music. Just keep up with our social sites or join our mailing list at FMLOfficial.com to be the first to hear about news.

Thanks for the interview. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Creasey: Thank you so much for your time! And thank you to all the fans for making this dream possible and for picking up our new album 'Above It All'. We can't wait to see you all on tour!

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