Eyes Eat Suns - Sound In The Signals Interview
The band formed in 2013 in Raleigh, NC. You released your first EP, POW! in 2015 and recently released your second EP, Alive in June. Can you tell us more about your music and background for those who may not be familiar?
Ayisa Adderley: Yeah! So, I approached Caige in 2013, just pitching some ideas about music because I knew he played guitar and wrote songs of his own. We ended up teaming up to form Eyes Eat Suns. All of our songs stem from personal experience: family, friends and the relationships we have with those people, most importantly the relationship with the self. Especially with the Sophomore EP, I really wanted to emphasize the importance of self awareness.
Your sophomore EP, Alive recently came out. It was produced by James Paul Wisner who has worked with bands like Paramore and Underoath. What was this experience like? Did he offer any advice that stuck with you?
Adderley: It was a fantastic experience. He taught me to not be afraid to push myself even more than I already do because the capability to do so exists.
Tell us more about the writing process for Alive. What came easier with this EP? Are there any key moments during the process that stick out?
Adderley: I can't think of any key moments but I can tell you the writing process was sporadic. It wasn't a sit down and write a song kind of experience, most of the songs on this EP just happened. I had an idea and I wrote it down, Caige had an idea and he wrote it down, and then we pitched ideas back and forth. This is the first I'm mentioning but only four tracks out of the five were finished before it was time to even go into the studio.
You've said, "musical therapy is a very real thing for me. I did not understand fully until starting this band. I found a way to escape my anxieties through writing music and it's great I'm able to share these thoughts and feelings". What's a good writing session like and how does it help?
Adderley: A good writing session is every writing session. If I feel something strongly enough, I've got to get it out. Priceless faces was easy to write, I think it took about an hour to write. It was the day immediately after our first music festival and there was still so much positive energy leftover, I just had to put it into a song.
You recently released the video for "Priceless Faces" which was filmed and produced in LA. Tell us more about filming the video.
Adderley: We filmed it in a day, the interior shots were all shot in a loft in downtown LA and the exterior shots were done about 10 minutes from the loft. We got there when the crew was setting up for the interior shots, so we went straight to hair, makeup and wardrobe. Exterior shots were done first and then the interior shots were done in the evening. It was a fun, easy going environment. Everyone was so friendly, everything ran smoothly. The only hiccup of the day was when we got stuck in the elevator/lift for a few minutes which set us behind schedule on the exterior shots, but it's a hilarious memory to look back on, I've got the snapchat video saved.
You're currently touring with upcoming dates in Florida and North Carolina. You've been known for your self-funding DIY tours across the U.S.. How's it going so far? What can fans expect when they see the band? Can you offer any teases for what's next for the band after this tour?
Adderley: It's going great! There's not much more I can really say about how it's going other than that it's great, but fans can expect to see just honest kids doing what they love. We wouldn't sacrifice as much as we do, if we didn't love it. For what's coming up next for us, all I can say is we are writing constantly. Our social media pages are the best way to know what's brewing in our heads.
I've seen that the band has participated and supported many great causes including The Happiness Project Music Festival which supported suicide prevention and Cancer Gets Rocked, which brought awareness and benefited a family. This is great. Why is it important for you to reach out? How can others get involved and/or make a difference in their lives?
Adderley: Getting involved is easy. All of these causes have social media sites as well as websites, if you want to know more about any of the individual organizations we have worked with. We love helping out causes like these because they hit close to home. When I was growing up and even still now, I've dealt with anxiety/depression and frequent panic attacks. At one point, I contemplated ending my own life. Obviously I decided not to go with that option because I'm still here, but it's still something I struggle with. Cancer is cancer, it's so common in the worst way. Grandparents, friends, godparents.. the list goes on. I just want to help anyone and everyone in any way that I can.
Thanks for the interview. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
Adderley: Yes! I want to encourage everyone to come to at least one show and meet us. Even if they don't like the music, we love making new friends!
Find both EPs, POW! and Alive, on iTunes.
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