

Titan Comics Reveal New Series 'The Chimera Brigade' (Advanced Preview)

Titan Comics are excited to announce their new series, The Chimera Brigade. The series is written by Serge Lehmen (Metropolis) with co-writer Fabrice Colin (Chicagoland). Art will be by Gess (Heavy Metal).

The Chimera Brigade #1 will be available on October 12th. It features variant covers by John McCrea (Hulk, Spider-Man), Nick Percival (Judge Dredd, Slaine) and Max Bertolini (Heavy Metal).

Writers: Serge Lehman, Fabrice Colin
Artist: Gess
FC - 32pp - On sale: October 12, 2016

"Is the time for morality lessons truly over? The year is 1938, and a new generation of super-humans, born as a side effect of secret chemical weapons, have taken control of the capital cities of Europe… The Age of Super-science has arrived.

A stunning period cross between The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Planetary and B.P.R.D.

Beliefs can be as powerful as super-science – and just as deadly!

Cover ​A​ : ​John McCrea​ (order code: AUG161942)​
Cover ​B​ : ​Nick Percival​ (order code: AUG161943)​
​Cover ​C​ : ​Jeremy Wilson​ (order code: AUG161944)​
Cover ​D​ : ​Max Bertolini​ (order code: AUG161945)​
​Cover E : ​Gess (order code: AUG161946)


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