

Sundressed - Sound In The Signals Interview

Phoenix's Sundressed proves the DIY scene is still alive and well. They were named as "One of the 12 Bands to Know in 2016" by Alt Press and are enjoying the success off their recent releases, Dig Up a Miracle and The Same Condition. They also just released a split with Secret Stuff and started a tour in July. They recently told us how they came up with the idea for the "Autopilot" video, how they get ready for a show and recharge after touring, and how their upcoming LP features their most interesting batch of songs.

Sundressed was named as one of the 12 bands to know in 2016 by Alternative Press. We agree. Can you tell us a bit about your background and music for those who may be unfamiliar?

Sure! Well Sundressed started as an acoustic songwriter project around late 2011/12. The sound progressed over time as we added members over the years to what it is today. We have been touring steadily the past two years and have been trying to release as much music as we can!

You released Dig Up a Miracle and The Same Condition EPs last year. Dig Up a Miracle marked a change in your music and you continued to refine your sound on The Same Condition. You've said before that you could play the two EPs together and although they are different slightly in tone and topic, that they would fit together as a full length. What inspired this change and how are you finding this transition now after it has set in with fans and you are finding success?

Honestly, it kind of happened organically. I tend to lean on the pop side when writing choruses and at some point we realized that we needed to make the songs loud and energetic. I grew up listening to saves the day and the get up kids, so once I was honest with the reasons I wanted to play music, we felt right at home with this sound. As for the two EP’s , I like the fact that we split them up, because it was almost like we had 6 months in between to realize what we could have done better and experiment a little more. There is a lot more new music coming and I cant wait to share it!

You just released a split 7" with Secret Stuff through Spartan Records. Why did you select "Autopilot" and "Best Of Worst Of" for the project?

We actually did a super long session in the studio where we recorded a lot of songs for a later release. When the opportunity for the split came up, Autopilot seemed like the best fit for that batch of songs. Best of /Worst of is one of our favorite songs to play live, and we felt like it never got out there as much since it was just a bonus track on the Dig ep… So we went back to record a new version of it to highlight the lyrics a little more.

You released your new song "Autopilot" with the announcement of the split 7". It's such an interesting song and idea. I suppose we can all be on autopilot sometimes. Tell us about filming the video and the '90s theme. How can we focus on life and enjoying the moment?

Haha , the 90’s theme came from our long time video partner Cory Davis. He had been wanting to do something in that vein and we were totally down to make it fun. I think its important to find something you love that can quiet all the bleeps, ringtones and vibrations in this life , and make time for it. For me, its touring and music.

Sundressed is touring with Secret Stuff, Daisyhead, Northbound, Casey Bolles, and The Other Stars this summer. What a great lineup! What can fans expect to see at these shows?

You can expect a couple new songs and a lot of jumping around!

Speaking of touring, Sundressed plays a lot of shows! It's commendable and great for your fans that you are out so often. Do you have a certain routine that you like to do before a show and how do you recharge after a long time on the road?

I have certain vocal warm ups that I do , and I have to eat something an hour or so before we play or I’ll get dizzy and pass out. After a long time on the road, I usually am already thinking about the next one. As long as I get to spend sometime with my dog and be around the local scene for a bit , im usually good to go again!

Clearly the band is busy with the split 7" coming out, the tour, and you're working on the upcoming full length album. Can you tease anything new that fans can expect? How can they keep up with you?

We are upping our game on snapchat and instagram (@sundressedband). All I can say about the LP is we have never worked harder on anything, and it's definitely the most interesting batch of songs we have put together. It’s been about 7 months in the making now and we’re finally on to mastering!

Thanks for the interview. Do you have anything you would like to add?

Absolutely, thanks for caring enough to offer one! For anyone who is reading this, thank you for supporting small touring bands. This year has been pretty trying for us, but there is just something about getting to a town and getting on stage. Even if there’s 7 people in the crowd, seeing someone affected by our music is the most incredible feeling. It’s not about the money, fame or anything else, just that 30-45 minutes we get on the stage.

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