

Brave Vultures – 'I’m Not Coming Back If You’re Not Here' Artwork Feature

Essex emo rockers Brave Vultures are set to release I'm Not Coming Back If You're Not Here digitally and physically on September 16th. They recently wrote a track by track for the EP to share more about writing it and what fans should expect. Read our interview with vocalist/guitarist, Dom Littler who was kind enough to tell us how they started the band, how much music has helped him through hard times, and what made him realize he wanted to pursue a life in music. But first, today they are sharing a behind the artwork feature for the upcoming album. Read below.

I try to write to a realist style and cut the bullsh*t cliches”, says Dom Littler, vocalist/guitarist of Colchester newcomers Brave Vultures. He continues “My lyrics are about my struggles with anxiety, love and relationships, a best friend recovering from a drug addiction and coming out of rehabilitation a better person.” The band name is derived from the infamous and somewhat controversial photo by Kevin Carter entitled ‘Struggling Girl’, which depicts a vulture sizing up a starving young girl in Sudan. The EP is the quartet’s guitar driven statement of intent, a first step in a career which Littler and his bandmates hope will save them from the mundanity of real jobs.

With just a couple of weeks to go until they release the debut EP, Littler explains how it’s artwork came together…

We wanted to find a photograph that showed a romantic relationship between two people. We originally planned to go out with a camera and take some photos ourselves. But when I was discussing our debut music video idea to photographer and director Luke Baker, he asked me what the theme for the EP artwork was and I explained to him that we were still hunting for the perfect photo. This led to myself and Luke sitting down and we started looking through his collection of photos he had taken while on tour with a band in Los Angeles. We came across a couple of snaps he had taken of his two friends walking down the famous Venice beach and I instantly fell in love with it.
The colours in the photo and the closeness and compassion the couple in the photo show really attracted my eyes to it. We added a slight film grain to the photo to make it look noisy. The inspiration of the artwork came from Turnover's Peripheral Vision- we wanted to add a slight grain/distortion to the photo to pay homage to it.

The back artwork of the EP is also a snap Baker took of Venice Beach, we also added the same effect to this to help it all fit the theme. We are really happy with how the artwork came out and can't wait for people to see it on a physical release.

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