As Thick As Thieves - Sound In The Signals Interview
As Thick As Thieves formed in 2012. Some members came from previous bands including Loren Battle and The Artifact. Tell us about what brought you all together and your music for those who may be unfamiliar.
When The Artifact broke up I (Nate) was completely devastated. I put the microphone down and walked away from music. At that time I had spent 10 years working nonstop trying to build the bands I was in into hard working machines. The Artifact was the closest I ever felt to "making it". My time spent away from music was very hard. I felt lost and didn't know who I was. I wasn't sure if I would find my way back to music. Luckily through mutual friends I met Hiram Hernandez. He's an amazing song writer and producer. I asked him if I could record a song with him because I just really needed to feel music again. The song ended up being amazing! After recording that song, about six months had passed. Hiram ended up showing the ATAT boys the song we did and told them I was looking for a band to join. At some point later, they got in contact with me and the rest is history.
You recently released Whiskey Bent on July 8th. Take us behind the scenes with the writing and recording process. Do you have any favorite moments or days when you struggled?
The writing process of this EP was honestly, really chaotic. We just kinda jumped right into the deep end with waves crashin and all of us fighting to stay above water. we almost drowned. We kept working and focusing on what's important and ended up with an EP that we are all happy with. It's fun, inspiring and gives you a good taste of American rock n roll. During one of our darker moments we were having a band meeting in a small bar. Needless to say it wasn't going very well. We were arguing and apparently our voices were loud enough for the bartender to hear. He ended up walking over with 5 shots of whiskey and told us it's on the house. We took the shots of whiskey, sat in silence for a minute and then started arguing again. This is one reason we titled this EP Whiskeybent.
The third song off the EP, "Take You Down", was written for "anyone who needs strength during the toughest times of their life". How important is it for the band to connect to the fans? What message do you hope they take away from your music?
It is extremely important for us to connect with our fans. We want our fans to tap into our music and pull from it whatever they need to help them get through anything that they are going through.
You had a dual CD release show at Club Red Mesa, which was on the 'Top 10 Rock/Metal Concerts in Phoenix in July' list by the Phoenix New Times. What was this experience like? What can a fan expect when they see you live?
The dual CD release was great! We wanted to bring together a couple bands that we felt were killing it and really show how by working together you can sell out a venue and bring the best experience to the audience as possible. We are a high energy show and we absolutely love audience participation!
I've heard you have a vocal warm-up routine before shows. Tell us a bit about that and any other routines that get you ready for playing live.
Our vocal warmup before a show is nothing special. It's mainly just drinking a shot of whiskey and seeing if we can still sing.
What about the opposite - what is the first thing you do once you leave the stage?
Once we leave the stage you can find us scattered throughout the bar talking to fans and drinking whiskey.
As fans continue to enjoy Whiskey Bent what else is in the works? How can fans keep up with tours, videos, etc.?
We are going to be booking shows and making sure to share our live performance of Whiskeybent to as many people as possible while continuously writing new music. We are in the process of doing a few music videos and you'll be able to check them all out on our YouTube channel.
Thanks for the interview. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
We just really hope to get the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible through writing fun, inspiring rock n roll. We're not lookin to change the world. We're just lookin to help people get through the day.
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