

(Spoiler) To Make Appearance in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

There have long been rumors of this appearance, but it's been confirmed this week. Do not look below if you do not want to read the spoiler.

(Warning: Spoiler Below!!)

Entertainment Weekly has spoiled confirmed that Darth Vader (as voiced by James Earl Jones) is returning to the Star Wars movies. There are not many details about who will don the helmet and cape and how much he will actually be in the movie. This comes after the other news that Forest Whitaker is playing Saw Gerrera, a character from The Clones Wars animated series.

This may not seem like a complete surprise since we will be back in Vader's time, so why wouldn't he make an appearance? Plus there was a certain scene in the trailer that made fans question if it was Darth Vader or not. Check out the trailer below.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premieres in December.

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