

"Pacific" - A New Series Coming From Titan Comics (Advanced Preview)

Titan Comics announced that they will be releasing a new comic series in November called Pacific. It's being described as"Das Boot meets the Pagemaster". Click the images to enlarge.

Writers: Romain Baudy and Martin Trystram
Artists:  Romain Baudy and Martin Trystram
HC - Full Color - 96pp - $24.99 / CAN$32.99 / £18.99 -
On sale: November 9th, 2016

"Young Udo's first mission in the second world war is as a radio operator aboard a German U-Boat, patrolling the Pacific. In his personal effects, he carries a book banned by the Nazis. When the war hero and master of the vessel, Captain Kaleunt, tries to destroy it, it mysteriously reappears..."

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