

In Lights - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview In Lights. Check out the full interview after the jump!

For those who aren't familiar with your band can you tell me how you got together and formed In Lights?
Isaac:Tanner and I have been best friends since we met in kindergarten. Next thing we knew we were speaking in only inside jokes and incoherent sounds. When we were 12 or 13 years old we started our first band and called it "TillBrightSkies". We clearly were not the most decisive edgy kids. In our tillbrightskies era we were truly growing in our musical abilities and expanding our interests in music. Eventually there was a divide amongst buddies and tillbrightskies broke up. The separation in a way brought us together making us all realize that we were made to play music together and tour the world together.

Ilya:My previous band has broken up and I've started searching for a guy who can sing in my new project, so I found Tanner via youtube and I was really impressed! I hit him up on the 1st of April and sent him my demos immediately, this is how it all started to work and this day may be considered as our starting point.

You've been releasing some new music this year. "Running With Scissors" and "Turn Tables" are a couple of the songs you've released. Can you tell me  a little about the recording and writing process of those songs?
Ilya: Through music I try to impress all my emotions and feelings. First the idea is born, then I construct the skeleton of the future song. I polish it thoroughly until it is how it was in my thoughts. This process may take me from week to months. I write plenty of songs, but we use only those, which are satisfying, and we work hard to make them sound perfect. As soon as demo is ready, I go to the studio and record it, then Tanner, Issac and Grant do the drums, bass, acoustic guitars and vocals.

Your debut single was "Running With Scissors". What about that song made you guys want to release it first?
Tanner: I basically wrote the majority of the EP, as well as this single, about Isaac and I splitting haha. "I'll cry you a river and maybe you'll drown." This song was me saying a lot of shitty and crude things about Isaac, hence the name "Running With Scissors". Our producer, Josh Buckner, agreed tags that would be our best single.

You talk about wanting to reach out to kids that need to find hope in something.  In what ways as a band are you doing that with your music, online presence, as well as on stage when you're playing a show?
Tanner: Well, writing has always been an outlet for me. I just write about the things that I go through personally, and I hope that kids can relate and have a great time at the shows. We just want to create an environment for kids to come out, go crazy, and feel like they are apart of something. Going to shows as a kid for me was fucking incredible! Seeing all these kids that were just like me, it was amazing.

What is coming up for you guys this summer and can we expect to hear anymore new music any time soon?
Grant: Our EP will be released next month. We are currently in Pre-production of our debut record. We hope to release it this summer.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
Entire band: We  want to thank anyone who supports us. Coming out to shows, streaming our music, etc. It means a fucking lot to us!! Thanks for screaming our lyrics and standing next to us. Hopefully this EP means just as much to you as it does to us. We've put a lot of work into this! 

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