

Pottermore Introduces Us to First Looks at Harry, Ginny, & Albus Potter

Check out the images that Pottermore (J.K. Rowling's social outlet for Harry Potter and the Wizarding World) shared of  Harry, Ginny, and Albus Severus Potter. We're a week away from the first preview of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two and we're finally getting a look at them.

J.K. Rowling says Jamie Parker "simply is Harry now. There's a kind of relief in watching him, he gets it so right".

Jamie says of playing Harry and wearing his legendary scar and glasses that "they’re just iconic. These are stories that people have lived with for their whole lives, they’ve grown up with and now they’re adults re-joining the tale, picking it up where they left off and I’m one of them. In a sense you don’t need more than the scar and the glasses, you kind of go, “there it is” and I don’t really know how to put it into words, it’s just immeasurably exciting and I can’t wait to show it to people."

Joining Jamie Parker is Sam Clemmett as Albus Potter and poppy Miller as Ginny Potter.

Pottermore will be sharing more images of characters all this week! Click HERE to read more.