

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor 2.5 - May 11th (ADVANCED PREVIEW)

Here's a preview of Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor 2.5 coming out on May 11th! Click the images to enlarge.

Writer: Robbie Morrison
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colorist: Ivan Nunes
Letterer: Comicraft
FC - 32PP - $3.99 - On Sale: May 11

Cover A: Simon Myers
Cover B: Photo cover by Will Brooks
Cover C: Simon Myers
Cover D: Rachael Stott

"It's the long-awaited return of a deadly foe, as the Doctor and Clara face a monster that will have you checking your stack of comics for suspicious movement! Dare you continue reading, when every page turn could bring you into MORTAL DANGER?! You have to – you're the Doctor's only hope!"


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