

Issues - The Realest (Single Review)

Issues, on paper, isn't the type of band that I'm generally excited about. I haven't been really excited about much going on in metalcore for a few years and the hints of nu-metal influences don't seem like anything I've wanted to listen to in sixteen or so years. A couple years ago a "Nu-Metal Revival" started making the rounds on blogs somewhat in light of the "emo-revival" that had been going on. I wasn't keen on a revival of that particular sound. Issues is one of the bands lumped into that revival and their debut album incorporated metalcore, R&B, and nu-metal. Honestly I was surprised at how well it worked. Their first single, "The Realest", off their upcoming album, Headspace is a look at where the band is headed on their sophomore album. It's funkier sounding than anything off the debut album. It also has those nu-metal elements with the guitar parts, scratching, and a moment of rapping early in the song. It's heavy on the R&B style vocals and clean vocals. The screams are still present, but they are not at the forefront of the song. The funkier elements add a new wrinkle to the sound. The metalcore elements take a back seat with the nu-metal, R&B, and funk styles meshed, which I think was a good choice, especially for a single.  The band's instruments also sound slightly improved on this song. It isn't too big of a stretch from the sound of their debut album, so if you enjoyed it then chances are you'll like this, but there are small hints of progress. Overall this is a promising first single and it's definitely worth checking out if you enjoyed the debut album.

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