

Rossy - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Rossy. Check out the full interview after the jump. Check out his recently released song "Roses": HERE.

For those unfamiliar with your solo material you used to be in a duo called V1BE that had a good buzz around the blogosphere. Can you let our readers know a little about your background and how you got into music? What made you want to branch out into the solo world and what can fans of V1BE expect from your solo material?
I always told myself that I would focus on my solo career when the time was right, and I feel that time is now. I’ve spent many years working on the V1BE project and after 3 ep’s under our belt we’ve built an amazing catalog. I plan to always make music with C.Young and continue the V1BE brand but I’m going to spend some time on myself in 2016.

You just premiered "Roses" with Sound In The Signals. The song sounds like the perfect spring and summer song and I really like the laid back vibe and lyrical content of the song. Can you tell me  a little about the song writing process for the song?
The song is a cover to The Chainsmokers Ft. Rozes. I rarely do covers, but I was inspired by the depth of the song lyrically and musically so I decided to put my own flavor on it.

When someone listens to "Roses" for the first time what type of feeling do you hope it invokes in the listener? What would you like the listener to take away from the song?
I just want people to smile and share the video with the people they love. It’s almost Valentines Day…

What was the video shoot like for the song? How long did it take and what did you want the video to convey?
We shot the video in under an hour in Mission Beach, San Diego. The video wasn’t intended to be conceptual but rather my goal was to capture the feel of the song. And, I think we accomplished that. There is beauty in simplicity. Also - my girlfriend killed it, she looked hot.

You also directed the video what is it like not only shooting and staring in a video but also being in the directors chair for the whole process?

When I make a song, I always foresee what the visual component would look like. By directing my own videos, I am able to execute the creative blueprint from start to finish. The “Roses” video was fun, I just told the cast and crew “Fuck the cameras, lets just have fun.” Thanks to Brad Wong for the incredible edit as well. He’s a mastermind.

You can hear it in "Roses" and I've read that you want to bridge gaps between different genres with your music. What are some of your biggest influences and how do you try and incorporate them into your music?
I listen to so many different kinds of music and my fans know that I like to experiment between genres. Pharrell has always been an inspiration to me because of his ability to do just that - fuse genres. Hopefully by the end of the year, the “Rossy sound” will be an actual conversation. There are so many artists I would die to collaborate with (but thats a whole other interview ha ha).

What do you have coming up for the remainder of 2016?
A lot of music. I’ve written over 100 songs that I haven’t released, so it’s time to brush off the cobwebs and bring these records to life.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks again for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
Thank you Sound In The Signals for supporting my music and I look forward to teaming up on future releases!

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