

Free - Demo (Review)

Free seemingly dropped out of nowhere with their new demo (or at least it seemed that way to me). The band features members of Have Heart who has released more than a couple staple hardcore releases in the first decade of the 2000s including their 2006 album The Things We Carry as well as their 2009 album Songs To Scream At The Sun. I had some pretty high hopes for it when I clicked play on the Free demo.

Free's demo shows that this band knows how to play the genre exceptionally well. The four song demo basically blazes through in quick hardcore fashion. Sound wise you're getting four songs that have that classic hardcore punk sound in the vein of bands like Youth Of Today, Turning Point, etc... There isn't a lot of fluff on these songs just fast hardcore with catchy guitar riffs, guitar feedback, quick drums, and manic vocals. "Dedication" starts the demo and at just thirty-seven seconds long it gives the listener a pretty well rounded taste of what this band is seeking to do with this set of songs. It has the fast parts, the paced guitar riffs, as well as those chant moments. It burns bright and quick but it definitely sets the tone nicely. "MA Flex" starts off with some guitar feedback, thunderous drumming, and well paced guitar riffs and within seconds launches into quick paced chant along hardcore punk. It's a definite standout on the demo.

Free has definitely captured my attention with this demo and I'm looking forward to the next release from this group. If you are a fan of hardcore punk and straight edge hardcore then you should really enjoy this. It's one of the more promising releases this year from the genre. This is definitely one you don't want to miss.

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