

Talking Music: On Halloween (October 2015)

We haven't been running a ton of Talking Music features this year. So since it's Halloween, readers, you are in for a treat! Last year we did Talking Music the 13 Days Of Halloween. This year we decided not to do a full 13 days so instead I decided just to add a new song to the list of songs and albums we talked about last year. Check out all of 2014 picks: HERE.

The song I'm going to recommend for your 2015 Halloween is Mitch Murder's "Savage". This song is pretty much tailor-made for Halloween. It'd be perfect to pump you up for creepy drives down dark back roads looking for some spooky places, headphone listening while you're out trick or treating and getting candy, or just a great 80s flavored EDM jam to throw on at a party.

So give this one a listen and have a happy Halloween!

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