

Whitey Morgan & the 78’s - Sonic Ranch (Album Review)

Whitey Morgan has been a country artist who has continually improved over the course of his career. He's crafted more than a few of my current go to country songs. In a climate where the underground country scene hasn't pumped out albums I've found as interesting as I would have liked I was interested when I heard Whitey Morgan would be releasing a new album titled Sonic Ranch. I hoped a mainstay country favorite of mine could keep the hit train rolling.

Like I said the last few years have found my taste in the underground scene sort of uneven. I still remember four or five years ago when tons of new artists led by some of the larger favorites were coming out with strong albums. That just hasn't been quite the case over the last year or two. There are those bright spots, but not like it had been. I was also more than a little nervous because of the long amount of time between this album and Morgan's last official studio album which was his 2010 self-titled album. A lot can change in five years.

I'm happy to say Whitey Morgan and the 78's have been able to continue their trend. Sonic Ranch is easily one of the best country albums I've heard this year. Morgan avoids sounding stale or too formulaic which is something that some of his peers haven't avoided. In fact Morgan almost sounds like he's coming into his own on Sonic Ranch. The vocals on this album sound so confident and have a great swagger. Whether the music on this one is slow and somber or rough and rowdy Morgan is able to create a lot of energy. "Waitin' Round To Die" is a slower song, but it just has a slow moving, intense vibe that sounds like it could have been tailor made for a standoff scene in a show like Sons Of Anarchy. "Still Drunk, Still Crazy, Still Blue" is a classic sounding song that could easily be a favorite song on a bar jukebox. It just has that classic honky tonk feel. "Goin' Down Rocking" is a little more rowdy and it could give some of your favorite Hank Williams Jr songs a run for their money.

With this album Whitey Morgan may have his most solid release to date. It's country music done the right way. The album has great flow, swagger, and really good musicianship. I have no doubt in my mind that this will find it's way on my end of the year list. This album is impressive and a really good listen. Sonic Ranch definitely doesn't disappoint.

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