

Trash Boat - Sound In The Signals Interview

 I recently had the chance to interview Trash Boat. Check out the full interview after the jump!

Your new EP Brainwork is fixing to come out. Can you tell me a little about the recording and writing process of the EP?

Yeah we decided to record this one with Lee Batiuk (Deaf Havana, The First) up at Regal House Studios. It was a pretty chill six days with Lee. We knew what we had to get done and Lee definitely knew how to get the best out of us.

The writing process for this one was pretty much the same for this EP, I have a little home studio set up so I’ll always be working on the skeletons of songs and sending it to the guys. I think by the end of it we had about 20 demos in the works. But things will always be getting chopped and changed, even the day before we had to leave for the studio we were still changing bits here and there. But we’re super happy with how everything has turned out and so happy to finally have it out.

I had a chance to listen to the EP. "Perspective" is a song that really sticks out to me. Can you tell me a little about the writing process of the song in particular. How it came together bot musically and lyrically?

Perspective actually came really early on in the writing process for the EP but it didn’t really click until later on. Tobi kept pushing for us to work on it but a few of us really weren’t fans, looking back on things I’m really glad we did!

The lyrics for this one are about one of the many knee surgery’s our singer Tobi has had to endure over the years and waking up to find doctors and his parents around him telling him it wasn’t getting better anytime soon.

I'm a big fan of the title of the EP. It's interesting. How did you come up with the title and why did you decide it best fit the songs on this new EP?

We found it really tough to name this EP. We wanted something that could sum it all up in a few words and nothing really stuck. I think it was actually a friend that came up with Brainwork and it just worked. The EP is about overcoming things and mentally getting through them so Brainwork just fit nicely.

The artwork matches the title pretty neatly with the see through skull and brain. Who came up with the artwork?

We wanted to keep the artwork fairly similar to our first EP Look Alive with a continuation of themes and ideas. We kept the guy from Look Alive, but now you can see he is changing and looking at himself in a different way.

We chose to use Jake Carruthers for the artwork as we all loved his work. We just let him do his thing on it and I don’t think it could have come out better. Super stoked on it.

You guys are a band that is on the tip of a lot of peoples tongues as one of the next big things in pop/punk. What do you think has made your band stand out from the pack and how does it feel to have that kind of support from listeners?

It’s crazy to think people are even giving our music a chance. We have only been a band for just under a year and half now and we definitely weren’t expecting any of this, we’re so grateful for everything our fans have done for us. We’ve always tried to just be ourselves and make music that we want to make whether that be taking influence from pop-punk or not.

What's coming up for you guys this summer?

We’ve got a bunch of stuff coming up! We just played Slam Dunk which was incredible and a great way to start the summer. We’re also playing Download and Hevy Festival, which we still don’t quite know how we’re on and then we have a UK tour with our mates in Blood Youth in July. Oh yeah... and a few dates with the legends in Less Than Jake, so we have plenty coming up!

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

No problem. Just thank you to anyone who has checked us out so far, hopefully we’ll see you in July!

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