

Grayscale - Change (EP Review)

I'm not going to sugarcoat it at all. I've been a fan of Grayscale for a while. Their debut album, Leaving, was a top 10 album on Sound In The Signals the year it was released. They've been a band I've enjoyed for a while. I thought Leaving was really good, fun, and it was a nice pop/punk release. So now the band is back with their Anchor Eighty Four debut EP, Change.

Change is the first song on the EP and it's a song I'm familiar with as the band released the song and video last year. It's a really cool song and shows a little maturity in the songwriting right from the start of the EP. I think the next two songs "Say Something" and "Bloom" continue that trend and show that the band has strengthened their songwriting quite a bit since Leaving. The songs have an urgency but it's not quite as quick as on Leaving. They've found the ability to let the songs breathe for a moment here or there which allows for a little heavier emotional impact while listening to them. The last track on the EP is a cover of "The Old Apartment" by The Barenaked Ladies and it's a pretty fantastic cover. Even with it being a cover song it comes out as a big highlight on the EP. The band took the song and put their own spin on it in a cool way. I really like the way the vocals and guitar were done on the song. The EP was produced by Gary Cioffi (Transit) and he did a good job with capturing a nice sound for the band.

Grayscale is set to release their new album later this year so hopefully this EP gets a few more eyes
and ears on the band. I think it helps build some good anticipation for the album as well as
gives fans and new listeners a good batch of really solid songs while they wait for the album. In my
opinion, they deserve to be on any fan of pop/punk or emo/punk's must check out list. I'm enjoying this EP and definitely would recommend this band.

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