

We Have A New Look

Here we are at the start of spring and I thought what better time to launch this new version of the site. We've been working for quite some time on ways to improve the overall look and efficiency of the site. I think this new layout is the closest it has come to how I've wanted it to look for a long time. My biggest hope is that it will be much easier for people to find content and access that content from the home page of the site. We've added a couple cool features to the front page so that content is more visible for both new and long time visitors of the site. I also think it's important that we haven't changed the site to the point where it will be foreign to our longtime readers. It is improved in many ways, but I think it's similar enough that you shouldn't have much trouble adapting to this new layout. We're working on a couple other new things that should be on the site later in the spring and summer! We're looking at possibly bringing back the podcast as well as some new types of written features.

Thanks again for visiting and reading the site!

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