

Roads & Ruins - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Roads & Ruins. Check out the full interview after the jump!

Your new EP The Darkest Hour was released on many pop/punk fans craziest day of 2015 so far the day of the crazy Blink 182 news. What was it like releasing the EP on that day? Was/Is Blink 182 an influence on you guys at all?

Blink have probably been the biggest shared influence we have in the band, and we were pretty gutted when we found out. I guess it made the day even more memorable!

I'm really liking The Darkest Hour. What went into the recording and writing process of these songs?

The recording process was very long for this EP but not really out of choice.  We pretty much had all of the songs nailed before recording them but for various reasons we had to re-do things over and over again, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted once we had finalised everything as we felt we could move on to the next project with the band.

"Years" is such a catchy song and the second I heard it I was really interested to hear EP. What was the song writing process for that song in particular and how do you think the response to the single has been since you released it?

Years started out with the intro riff and a basic structure which was used as the basis for adding different parts.  An aim for this track was to add catchy riffs throughout and this is the only song we currently play where the lead guitar plays no rhythm sections throughout the song. We've had various people tell us that they've been listening to it and it's had downloads, which for a brand new band is pretty great!

You guys are a pretty new band. Can you tell me how you guys got together and how quickly you started writing the songs for your new EP? Did you have any of these songs before the band started?

Everyone in the band has played music together in various projects at some point over the past few years but we decided to start from scratch.  The songs which have been released have been written specifically for this band.

The girl on your EP artwork also appeared on the single artwork for "Years". Who came up with the artwork for that and what made you guys want to use it?

Our good friend Angela Scaramella designs our artwork. She's actually a real driving force; seeing her produce top notch artwork gives us motivation to try and write music that's up to the same standard. You can check out all of her art on instagram.com/ela_mella.

What are your plans for 2015 now that you guys have the EP out?

Our plans for 2015 are to record more and to play shows.  We're currently deciding on which tracks we are wanting to record next and are also looking for a studio/producer to work with.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Thanks for the interview, it's really encouraging for a new band to have someone take interest in what we're doing, and thank you to anyone that's taken the time to check us out!

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