

Welcome Home - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Welcome Home. Check out the full interview after the jump.

First off thanks for the interview.

Absolutely no problem. Thank you so much for so much for having it for us.

You guys just released your new EP Moving Forward. How has the response been to the EP so far?

Well the response so far has been absolutely fantastic. We’ve all tried as best as we can in order to get it out to people all over the world, and believe me that isn’t easy. Luckily we’ve  been fortunate enough to receive nothing but positive feedback.

How long did you guys work on Moving Forward and what was the recording process like?

Well honestly it was extremely difficult to get the EP done. We of course are still in our beginning phase, and we also all are in school or work in three different cities at the time of recording. We all had to come in to the studio on weekends we could find available for everyone, and that meant a lot of scrambling and rushing while in the studio. We’re definitely lucky with the way it came out with the hectic process that took place.

"Prone" is the first song on the EP and it's a really strong opener song. Why did you guys think it would be a good first song on the EP? What was the songwriting process like for that song in particular?

Well we believed the track itself was just a good and fast track that would definitely make people excited to hear the rest. The song writing process for prone started with me just kind of messing with random chords, which lead to what is the opening guitar riff. After that I plugged in some more chords with lyrics and took it to the rest of the guys who then did their magic to turn the track into what it is today.

The artwork for the EP is well done and eye catching. Who came up with the concept and did the artwork for the new EP? Why did you decide to go with that image for it?

That would be the great work of the wonderful artist, Gia Montagno. We actually had very little to tell her about our concept and then allowed her to do her own magic, and we’re extremely happy we did. Gia is an extremely talented artist.

The EP is out now digitally. I also saw that you have plans for a physical copy. What can people expect from that? Are you going to be doing CDs, cassettes, or vinyl?

The physical copies will actually be here in just about a week! So that is definitely we’re excited about. As for now we’re only planning on doing CDs, but we’re extremely excited about possibly doing vinyl on our first record after we’re doing writing and recording.

For people who haven't heard of your band what song off this new EP do you think would be a good first song to check out and why?

Well my personal favorite off of the EP is “This Is So Much Worse Than You Thought”, but that being said I would probably recommend listening to “All These Years” due to it showcasing a lot of versatility.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

No, thank you very much for asking the questions in the first place. We’re very appreciative of your time and interest in all of us in Welcome Home. I think that would pretty much do it, but I’ll add that everyone check us out and feel free to contact us about anything at anytime. We’re currently working on new material and planning some tours, so find any of our social media outlets and keep us with us!

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