

Rome Fortune & OG Maco – YEP (EP Review)

2015 is starting strong. Rome Fortune & OG Maco's newest collaboration EP, Yep, brings together two rappers who had a lot of hype in 2014. OG Maco especially with his couple really well received EPs. I was definitely interested to hear the pairing of the two on this EP.

The EP immediately shows what a great pairing these two are. "Jungle" kicks off the EP with a really cool "jungle" sounding hypnotic intro which launches into a beat full of wild sounds and heavy hitting well done raps. The second track "Pearls" shows a balance that someone like Kid Cudi wishes he could find between rapping and singing. "Make It Loud" has this grimey sub-bass that sounds really cool. It isn't the most fascinating vocally, but the beat elevates the song and makes it work for the most part.

Overall you're getting a really good collaboration project from artists who are still building and who still have a lot to offer musically on this EP. It's chocked full of really solid beats. Both artists play off each other nicely. There are a few moments vocally that I think could have been a little better, but overall I don't have many complaints. This is also pretty nice in length at nine tracks which leans more towards almost album length. Check this out. It's definitely a good rap/hip-hop project to start off your 2015.

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