

Please Head North - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Liverpool pop/punk band Please Head North. Check out the full interview after the jump!

You guys released a couple EPs last year Five Hole and the Live Acoustic EP. Do you plan on releasing any more new music this year? Any chance we'll get another EP or album?
Danny: Yeah definitely, we've been writing since both EP's came out and we still are! I can't wait to get some new stuff out in the near future!

A song I really like off Five Hole is "Will Hunting". The song has a really immediate likeability and it's really catchy. What was the song writing process for that song in particular and how long did you guys work on it?
Will hunting was actually the very first song we wrote as a band after a few practices, and it all started with the intro riff and we just added and added to it until it was complete!

You guys have an upcoming show with Moose Blood at the end of January. What is it like to get a chance to open for the band and how did you guys get on the show?
Having the chance to open for a band like Moose Blood is great, and I'm really excited to play the show! we all like them and so do a lot of our friends so I'm looking forward to it! We got put on it by a promoter we've worked with before, I Love Live Events, who put on some great shows for the likes of Roam and Climates which we opened for last years, as well as Neck Deep and loads more!

There was a Moose Blood cover on the acoustic EP. Is it interesting to share the stage with a band you have enjoyed enough to cover their song on an EP?
The Moose Blood cover was fun to play, and we all liked the song so sharing the stage with them will definitely be a good experience!

You guys are from Liverpool and the pop/punk scene in England has really taken off a lot of the last two or three years. What bands both big and small from England inspire you guys? What do you think of the pop/punk scene where you are from?
We're all into a lot of bands from here, there's the likes of Neck Deep, Roam, Basement and Moose Blood as well as Boston Manor who are also on the Moose Blood tour, Legion Hall and Sleepy Eyes to name a few, and we've played with Legion Hall in Leeds and Sleepy Eyes in Sheffield last October which were our first shows outside Liverpool, which was a great experience! The Liverpool Pop Punk scene definitely seems to be on the up, and I keep seeing more Pop Punk bands from round here recently, like Milestones who are opening for Roam in Liverpool this month.

What are some of your goals for 2015?
In 2015 we want to keep writing new music, as well as releasing more! We're also aiming to play a lot more shows, and play in some more cities. We had a great time in Leeds and Sheffield last October so we'd love to do all that again!

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
No problem! Just that we're looking forward to this year and we hope people like what we've got to come out, and they come down to a show sometime!

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