

Home For Fall - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had the chance to interview Taylor Liff from Home For Fall. Check out the full interview after the jump!

First off thanks for the interview

Taylor Liff: No problem! I have never been interviewed formally like this before so consider yourself lucky haha :)

Your new EP Everything I Never Said just came out. What was the recording process like for the EP and how long did you work on it?

The recording process was amazing! We recorded the EP with my good friend Steve Perrino, who now works at Bad Racket Studios in Cleveland, Ohio. I had written all the songs about a year before we started recording last January, so I planned on it being a quick process, but because of scheduling conflicts with classes and jobs it took us until November to finish it. Regardless, I had so much fun recording, and I was so happy with the final product!

One thing that really sticks out to me about the EP is the lyrical content. Where was your head at when you wrote the lyrics for this EP and what is your favorite song lyrically on the EP?

I was all over the place my sophomore/junior year of college while I was writing these songs. I had gone through a really tough break up, and I felt really alone and isolated from all the people that I saw around me every day. I guess you could say that the lyrics on this EP were all just things that I really needed to get off my chest. My favorite lyrics on the album would probably be the ones on "Choke," because it feels really good to say all that stuff haha.

"Too Late" is one of my favorite songs off the new EP. Can you tell me a little about the songwriting process for this song in particular?

Man, sometimes people don't realize what they got till its gone. I guess the lyrics in the chorus are pretty self explanatory in that sense. As for the rest of the song, it started out as several different songs, in different keys and with different lead parts and riffs. I played around with it for months until I ended up with the final version and was much happier than I was before. If you want, you can go on my soundcloud (soundcloud.com/tliff) and listen to a song called "Five Minutes," which strangely enough evolved into the current version of "Too Late" on the EP.

"Too Late" is also the first single. Why'd you pick it for the first single?

I wish that I had a better answer for this haha. But to be quite honest, I chose it for the single because it was the first song that I had written and recorded in full for the EP haha. We got the mastered version months before even the demos of the other songs, so for a while it was all that we had on the facebook and the bandcamp. I'm very happy our fans decided to stick it out with us though haha, and I really hope they like the rest of the album as much as the first single.

You made a post on your Facebook page a while back defended the name of your band. Can you tell me a little bit about why you posted that message and why the name is so important to you?

Oh wow, you guys did some research! I like that a lot haha. Yeah this bitch on the defend pop punk group made a thread about how much we suck and shit, and I wasn't in a good mood that night I guess haha. Normally I would never let something like that bother me, I don't really care what people think. But I wanted people to understand that even though it was really lazy of me to name my band after one of my favorite songs, LOTS of other bands have done that before, and it should have little to do with how you view our band or how you listen to our music.

Vinyl and cassette pressings have become a huge deal now. Any chance you'll do either for this new EP?

I haven't really thought much about it. Online music is such a big deal nowadays, I don't have any physical copies of this EP, not even on CD, and we probably won't print up any CD's of it until we start touring in the summer. If we were to get more popular and people started asking me if they could buy a vinyl pressing of it, I would have to go out and find out how to get them made first haha. But I would be very open to that!

What all is coming up for the band in 2015?

We plan on touring a lot this summer and in the fall! We're hopefully going to hit most of the East Coast and the Midwest. It would be amazing if we could make it all the way to California so I could visit some childhood friends haha. We also plan on recording our next release over the summer with a possible release date of Fall or Winter, but I have to finish writing all these new songs first haha. So stay posted with us on facebook.com/homeforfalloh.

I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

I just want to thank you for the interview and the nice things you said, and thank you to everyone else for listening and supporting us thus far! It literally means the entire world to me. Ever since I was a little kid all I've wanted to do was sing and play guitar in a band, and thanks to people like you I'm finally getting to live my dream. Music is my life and I wouldn't be anything without you guys, so thank you so much from the very bottom of my heart. Please, if anyone ever wants to talk to me about anything, feel free to contact me, I'm not afraid of strangers! Thank you all so much!




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