

The Boys After - Sound In The Signals Interview

I recently had a chance to interview The Boys After. We talked about their new album All I Used To Know, their new single "Deny You", and what all the band has going on this year. Read the full interview after the jump!

You guys just released your new single "Deny You". Can you tell me a little about the song and why you chose to release it as the single?
We decided to release 'Deny You' as our first single because of how powerful and emotional the song is as well as it being a new sound from us.

You also shot a video for "Deny You". What was the video shoot process like and how long did it take to shoot the video? Do you guys enjoy making music videos?
We shot the music video for 'Deny You' with Kenneth Wilcox who has worked with many great bands. The whole video only took a day of shooting. The story was shot first and then the whole band set up everything really fast and did several live shots before we got kicked out. We weren't supposed to be there haha. The process was fun though. Surprisingly very tiring.

You guys have been working on a new album right now what all can you tell our readers about the release? When do you guys expect to have it out?
We have finished our new album. We recorded 10 songs with Sam Pura at The Panda Studios (The Story So Far/State Champs). We're titling it, 'All I Used To Know' and hoping to have it out in the next upcoming months.

Are there any particular songs that you can talk about that you are really excited for people to hear?
We're excited for everyone to hear the whole album. It's a very diverse album in sound. We plan to release another single before the album release, which shows another side of the album that we feel people will find fun.

For fans of your previous EP what can they expect from the upcoming album?
For fans of The Break-Up, the can expect a few fast songs, more group vocals, and another acoustic song, though this one ends a little differently than our previous ones. We're not going to lie, it's different, but we feel in a more mature way. We have a lot more technical guitar parts and some more aggressive parts. To us, it's the best music we have written as a band.

You have these really neat looking bracelets that say "Forever Pop-Punk" on them. Who came up with the idea for the bracelets and as a music what does pop/punk mean to you and why is it so important to you? Out of all the music genres available why do you think you guys gravitated to it?
We came up with "Forever Pop Punk" because pop punk is what drives us. No matter how diverse or different our music progresses, we all come from the same foundation of growing up on pop punk. Pop punk is the reason we all play music and the reason we're a band today. We felt putting this phrase on our bracelets was a good way to carry that with us as well as for others who grew up the same way as we did.

What all is coming up for you guys for the second half of 2014?
We're currently working on a few tours and another fun music video for the rest of 2014. Fingers crossed for Warped Tour next year, that'll be a fun time.

I guess that about wraps it up. Do you have anything else you would like to add?
Thanks to everyone who has checked us out, bought our music, and shared us with your friends. It's awesome to find people who like the music we enjoy to play. We're excited to show you all our new full length 'All I Used To Know'.

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