

McCalister - Where We've Come From, Who We've Been (EP Review)

McCalister is a fairly new band. I've been familiar with them for a while but their most recent release Where We've Come From, Who We've Been is an EP I had really been anticipating and was eager to check out. 

This is a pop/punk album that’s maybe in the vein of the more pop/punk sound All Time Low had on their earlier releases. It has the pop/punk vibe while straddling the alternative pop/rock fence at times. "Ageless Youth" is a great first song and introduction to the EP. If you like older All Time Low releases (Put Up Or Shut Up) you should easily be able to get into this. On parts of "Wisley Square" vocalist Andrew Van Buskirk really reminds me of Alex Gaskarth in a great way. "Marlon Byrd" is a great example of what I'm talking about when I mention the band has some of those alternative pop/rock sensibilities. It definitely leans toward a pop/punk sound but it could easily be considered alternative pop/rock. The guitars get really crunchy on a few spots and the overall pacing and sound just leans more that way.  

The trade-off of male and female lead vocals can work really well if done right. Sarah Kapilow and Andrew Van Buskirk do a great job with the vocals on this one. It's one of my favorite parts of the EP. I like the way McCalister does it. The harmonies and leads are great. Take that coupled with well written songs and the nice production and mixing job on the EP make this a big win for the band. 

McCalister is a band that definitely deserves to be on anyone's upcoming bands they need to check out list. I can definitely see this EP finding a big audience and catching on with a ton of listeners. It's a really catchy EP and great for this time of the year. Check this band out!

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