

Homebound - Coming Of Age (EP Review)

Homebound is another band from the fantastic UK pop/punk scene that has been brewing in the UK over the last couple of years. Their new EP Coming Of Age will be out July 21, 2014. The EP is six tracks and is a great introduction to the band.

I had heard a couple older songs from this band on bandcamp prior to the EP. I think the EP is a big step up production wise and it really helps the band reach a nice sound. It's a little cleaner and sounds bigger than the stuff I had heard on bandcamp. The production on the EP also captures the energy a lot better than the previous songs I've heard. I particularly like the vocals on the EP. The singer sounds like a pop/punk singer with just a slightly different sound or maybe a little thicker of a UK accent. Either way the vocals to me help the group stick out some from their pop/punk peers. It's definitely one of the things I noticed on first listen and really liked.

This is a high energy, quick paced, summer vibe EP and that's really what I wanted when I heard the first song from the EP. Overall the EP has some really nice songwriting. It isn't breaking the mold and it basically has the standard pop/punk sound, but it's done well and keeps my attention throughout the entire thing. "Clutching Straws" has some great opening guitar riffs and when the vocals kicked in the song quickly became one of my favorites from the EP. I really enjoy it. It really showcases how well the band can write a interesting and catchy pop/punk song. If you are a fan of bands like Save Your Breath, Neck Deep, and The Story So Far you should instantly enjoy this EP.

I can never get enough pop/punk in the summer months. It's the perfect music for this time of the year. There's always a ton of bands that have good releases and also a ton of mediocre releases every year. This is definitely a good release. This is an impressive debut EP from the band and I like it. I'm really enjoying this recent wave of UK pop/punk acts and Homebound's EP is another big score for that scene. Check this one out!

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