

Highlighting Artists (May 2014)

 It's time for the fifth installment of one of our newer features. This feature basically highlights bands/artists that I think are worth checking out. They may have significant buzz or they might not be on many people's radars just yet. Check out all of May picks after the jump.

For All The Wrong Reasons - A Change of Pace

I was initially put off by this release a little because the album artwork really reminded me of the vinyl artwork for Real Friends Everyone That Dragged You Here. I decided I should check it out anyway and see what I thought about the music. The short two song EP shows some real promise. This is pop/punk in a similar vein to something like Real Friends or The Story So Far. It's catchy, sounds pretty good, and I was pleasantly surprised. Despite enjoying the music the artwork for this still really irks me, but don't let that throw you off if you check this out. The music is pretty good.

True Love - A Floral Note

This EP is straight edge hardcore that leans more towards the hardcore/punk sounds of a band like American Nightmare (Give Up The Ghost). It's definitely a short EP. All five songs fit on one side of a 7" record, but it has a great vibe. In a time when it seems like a lot of newer straight edge hardcore/punk bands prefer to go with a sound more similar to Youth Of Today-which I have no problem with as there are plenty of good bands with this sound-it's also nice to see this band going for a slightly different sound.

Old Again - Broken People

This is one of those pop/punk groups I feel like is on the bubble. This band could potentially be everyone's favorite new buzz band really soon. Great songs, super catchy, really well written, and I really enjoy this EP. They also have a single out featuring Dan from Real Friends which is really good. Check this out and jump on the bandwagon!

Check out previous months Highlighting Artists: HERE.

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