Roam - Sound In The Signals Interview
You guys have a new EP coming out called Head Down. What went into the recording process of the EP and why'd you guys decide on Head Down for the title?
The recording process was pretty standard to be honest, we'd demo'd the songs acoustically and in a band situation and had some of the tracks for the best part of 5 months before we hit the studio. Ian Sadler at Emeline Studios engineered the record, he's done a lot of cool stuff and knows how to get a good sound so we were excited to work with him.
The EP itself is very much focused on growing up and the pressure that come with that, it's easy to get sidetracked and lose motivation. Head Down is really just about getting your Head Down and getting on with things, making them happen for yourself.
If you had to pick one song off the new EP that is the best introduction to your band what song would you pick and why?
I think the opening track "You Never Said" is probably the song that sums us up the best, it's got a bit of everything we do really. The fast paced verses and big chorus is what we like the most about it and it starts with a clip of that guy from the "waiting for a mate" youtube video, just because that guy's a legend.
You're new video for "Nothing In Return" coming out soon. What can you tell me about the video and what was the video shoot like this time around?
To be honest, we really didn't have a clue what to do for this video. It was all very last minute, but that kinda sums us up quite well. We went around all the best places in our home town and just filmed some of the stuff we usually do. We wanted to make it a really fun video, not take anything too seriously, because it's not what we're like as a band. The scene at the end where we jumped in a pool, we actually broke into a hotel swimming pool, it was heated which was amazing but it was filmed in october so it was freezing as we ran away!
It was just announced you guys are supporting Neck Deep on their UK tour. When did you guys figure out you'd be supporting them and what are your expectations for the tour?
We found out we'd be supporting them at the beginning of september, it was crazy to be honest. We've supported a few big names before but never expected to go out on a tour so soon in our time as a band. We supported ND in February and the crowd was incredible so hopefully something along those lines!
Your new EP is being pressed on vinyl by Pinky Swear Records. What made you guys decide to go with them for the vinyl release of the EP?
They've put out a lot of cool stuff (including Neck Deep & Nai Harvest) and we'd always known about them, so when they approached us after seeing our video for Head Rush we were really keen to sort something out. None of us have vinyl players so it was always something we'd overlooked, but it should be cool to get it out! They come in some sick colours too!
Pop/punk bands have really been getting a ton of exposure lately and a lot of them have signed deals with American labels like Neck Deep and Save Your Breath. How important do you think it is for your music to gain an American audience and is signing a deal with an American record label something you'd be interested in?
I think it's much a larger market than the UK, in terms of touring potential, the popularity of the genre and even just in population, so it's definitely a big key to success for smaller pop punk bands. If the right deal came along, american or otherwise I think it's defintely something we'd look at, yeah.
I guess that about wraps it up. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Do you have any closing comments you'd like to add?
Yeah, our EP comes out on the 18th November via Pinky Swear Records & bandcamp download, go check it out and show a friend!
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