

Transit - Young New England (ALBUM REVIEW)

Most people seem to want to lump Transit into the pop/punk category due to their early work. They are often mentioned in the same sentence with bands like The Story So Far, This Time Next Year, and The Wonder Years. If anything Transit has developed into more of an alternative/rock/emo group. I think they definitely draw some influence from pop/punk. With that being said don't go into this album expecting The Story So Far or The Wonder Years. Young New England is the newest release from the group and it finds Transit continuing to be impressive in many ways but in many ways it finds them being less impressive.

I've read a few early reviews that have slammed this album for a number of reasons (vocals, the songwriting, etc…). Music is subjective. I remember reading a ton of bad review for Set Your Goals Burning At Both Ends when it was released. Now that it has been a while since that release I still listen to that album and think people maybe overreacted on their first few listens. Yeah it might not be their best or even grow to be a highly loved fan favorite over time, but it still had some pretty good songs. Maybe that's what Transit has done with Young New England. It's not the best album they've ever made, but there are quite a few songs that are worthy of repeated listens.

Although it might take a few listens to really find, when I listen to the tracks on Young New England it has catchiness to it. Lead singer Joe Boynton doesn't necessarily have the greatest voice, but it fits well with what the band has done over their career and it fits well with the songs found on Young New England. I wouldn't say this album is as immediately pleasing on first listen as the bands previous album Listen & Forgive was. I think this is an album that will grow on the listener with repeated listens. It took a couple listens before the songs started to get stuck in my head. At first the chorus of opening track "Nothing Lasts Forever" seemed oddly sung but after a few listens I couldn't help finding myself singing it throughout the day. "Bright Lights and Dark Shadows" finds the group hitting it out of the park. The track has everything you'd want in a Transit song and is one of the better tracks on the album.

The musicianship found on the album is pretty good as well. Some reviewers have criticized the production found on the album but I believe everything is mixed pretty well. The guitar sound is really good. It really helps drive the album and find some of the melody. It also helps add a lot of the catchiness to the album.

Transit has a lot riding on this album. Listen & Forgive was well received and with that album the band found themselves in the spotlight of their scene. I think Young New England will be successful in their quest to continue to write good songs and standout above their peers. It may seem slightly uneven in sound and songs. I think it is because this is definitely a grower. So if on first listen you are super disappointed give it some time to sink in. That may be the biggest downfall of the album. With the short attention span of most listeners the album might get written off quickly. I urge you to give it some time. If you do, like me, you might just be surprised at how good it really is.

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