

Cartel - Collider (ALBUM REVIEW)

Cartel was going to be huge. Just listen to Chroma. That is until the bubble burst. That's right more about the good old Dr. Pepper bubble. After Chroma the band just never seemed to hit it big. While fans still loved Chroma and debated the following releases they found themselves jumping from labels eventually going the unsigned route.

What the band has done on their self-produced and self-released album Collider probably won't make them giant or help them make up for lost time and odd decisions. What it can do is finally give fans the album they've been waiting for since Chroma. This album is everything you'd want from a Cartel album. While other albums since Chroma have been good or good in spots Collider finds the band delivering a batch of undeniably strong songs. Everything hits almost perfectly for the band and it's no doubt the band went in and gave it 100%. I get the feeling with this album that there is this urgency from Cartel and that it's all on the table this go around.

This may easily be the bands best album since Chroma. Lyrically and musically it finds Cartel finding the spark that made Chroma so unforgettable. With this album Cartel has shed all the expectations of Dr. Pepper bubbles, labels, etc... and has instead put it all on the songs. The music is what this album is all about and it succeeds. This album is a must have for your summer. This is the album I've been waiting and wanting to hear from this band for a long time.

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