

We Shot The Moon - Love On (ALBUM REVIEW)

I streamed this album on the band's bandcamp page to check it out and figured I'd write a quick review for it. For those who are on the fence about it, I'll start off saying if you were a fan of previous We Shot The Moon albums you should you enjoy this. We Shot The Moon's Love On is a nice album to lead listeners into spring. It's poppy, uplifting, fun piano/pop rock music. Jonathan Jones has had an interesting career from fronting Tooth And Nail Record’s Waking Ashland, his solo albums, as well as his work with We Shot The Moon. I've enjoyed many of his projects and this album is definitely an enjoyable listen as well.

Jones has always had a knack for writing this style of music and stylistically Love On is what you've come to expect. If you liked any of his previous projects this should continue the trend. It's well written, sounds good, and the production is perfect for this style of music. The band has written a well thought out batch of songs and I'm impressed with how well the album flows.

"Monsters" is one of the better piano/rock songs I've heard in a while. The lyrics are well written and it may be one of the better songs Jones and Co. have written to date. Title track “Love On” is a nice slow paced ballad that changes up the pace and is a great way to close the album. Jones vocal ability really shines through on the track.

We Shot The Moon is a fairly underrated band in my opinion. At this point in their career they've been able to craft successful pop albums time and time again. This album is definitely worth checking out and is definitely another good album in We Shot The Moon's discography. It may not break much new ground for the band as their sound doesn't evolve too much on the album. However, Love On does show We Shot The Moon is continuing to refine the sound they are known for.

The album can be purchased: HERE.

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