Doombird - Doombird (ALBUM REVIEW)

The last time we heard from Kris Anaya was when he was the front man of the controversial Drive Thru Records group An Angle. An Angle had really arrived around the time Bright Eyes hit it really big and An Angle seemed like Drive Thru’s way of cashing in on the current “it” thing. However, I for one always took away some enjoyment from listening to An Angle’s albums. Albeit they were not completely original, but at the end of the day, Anaya and company wrote quite a few songs that were not bad. I’m nice. Most people wrote the group off and it always seemed like an uphill battle for An Angle.
Fast-forward a few years and the musical landscape is quite different. Drive Thru Records has not done much since 2008, except incite anger by holding back releases and by delaying albums from bands that people care about. Anaya no longer uses the name An Angle. Instead, he returns with his new project Doombird a duo completed by Joesph Davancens. The new album has been completed and was available for stream on the band’s myspace for quite some time, but the band recently decided to release it via their website for free. I was eager to hear what Anaya would do post-An Angle.
Upon first listen, I was immediately reminded of the talent that Anaya has. The guy can write a good pop song. The production on the album is nice. The back up vocals has shiny moments that are almost reminiscent of the Beach Boy. The album is mellow, which is a change from the direction of the last An Angle album. The songwriting is strong and Anaya’s vocals are still reminiscent of the ones he used in An Angle, but there are some minor differences. However, vocally he gives a good performance. The instrumentation is interesting and the album is layered with different instruments, which creates a nice vibe.
“Naked” is one of my favorite tracks from the album. The use of instruments is really good. Vocally it is one of my favorites on the album and it has some interesting twists and turns.
Overall, I’d say this is a good album. I think that if anyone listened to this, and was not filled in on the back-story of Kris Anaya’s past and all the drama surrounding An Angle, it would be an enjoyable album with more positive criticism over negative criticism. Make sure to check this one out. I think you’ll enjoy it.
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